
Workshop with Kwansei Gakuin Uni Students 関西学院大学津田ゼミとのワークショップ 2021.04.15
Thank you to all students from Kwansei Gakuin University, School of Policy Studies's Mutsumi Tsuda Lab for joining in our Untitled.Showa Online Workshop. 関西学院大学総合政策学部津田睦美研究室の皆さま、Untitled.Showa オンライン・ワークショップに参加頂き、ありがとうございました。 Eighteen students participated, and have...

Sydney Workshops 20 April 2021 シドニーワークショップ2021年、4月20日
Thank you to all who came to our first workshop in Sydney. Your presence and participation are part of Untiled.Showa's unfolding story. シドニー初めてのワークショップにご参加いただいた皆様、どうもありがとうございました。皆様ご自身がUntiled.Showaから創り出される新しい物語の一部となっています。 Like all first times, for me as a facilitator,...

Sydney Launch シドニーお披露目会
Untitled.Showa project and Sydney exhibition launch was a great success, thanks to our wonderful project partner 107 Projects Inc, who gave us an opportunity to be part of 107 Projects Presents Level Up @ Cen Park Mall to exhibit...

Week in a Life of Untitled.Showa Untitled.Showaの1週間 - Mayu’s process blog
23 March 2021 An old friend got in touch today. Haroon used to manage Vision Graphics in Redfern, a place I used to visit three or four times a week to drop off or pick up film. He now manages Vision Image Lab and will be printing from the Untitled.Showa collection....

Cultural Identity of Japanese Immigrants and their descendants in Geelong ジーロングの日本人移民とその子孫の文化的アイデンティティ – by Mika Nishimura
Mika Nishimura , broadcast producer and director of Artika International was born and raised in Kyoto While studying at Deakin University in Geelong in the early 1990s, Mika wrote this essay, Cultural Identity of Japanese Immigrants and their descendants in Geelong....

Aunty Lynette リネット叔母さん – by Andrew Hasegawa
March 30th 2021 After meeting Dianne, I dropped by 21 Little Ryrie St and 60 Ryrie St, where the Hasegawa family lived and did business, only to find a dodgy massage parlour and a carpark. After that I visited my Aunty Lynette who was raised at 21 Little Ryrie St, and...

Dianne in Geelong ジーロングでダイアンと - by Andrew Hasegawa
March 30th 2021 I met with Dianne in Geelong. She is the great granddaughter of George Taro Furuya who ran a laundry on Myer St in Geelong. We spent just over an hour talking, swapping stories, and she very graciously gave me copies of old newspaper cuttings. I gave...

The follow up to the post on Geelong History – ジーロング史の投函の後に – by Andrew Hasegawa
March 27th 2021 As a follow up to the post on Geelong History Facebook page, I posted a photo of George Taro Furuya, Motoshiro Ito and my great grandfather, Setsutaro Hasegawa on a picnic, dated April 1930, somewhere near Geelong. It was also posted on Nikkei...

The Furuya Family フルヤ家 – by Andrew Hasegawa
March 22nd 2021 I posted a post from Untitled.Showa on the Geelong History Facebook page and made mention about the upcoming exhibition in Geelong in July. It attracted quite a lot of attention and a comment from Deidrie Jackson who asked when it would take place....

Path of least resistance 最も抵抗ない道 – Mayu’s process blog
Path of least resistance Chie and I am working on Untitled.Showa. We are slow, but we are progressing in our search to find homes for the Untitled.Showa collection of photographs. Many people are now helping us. We received funding for this year from the...