Thank you to everyone who attended our Online Workshops!

It was great to see old friends who have known about, and or have contributed to Untitled.Showa, as well as new friends from Geelong, who came to find out more about the project. As  in previous workshops, the participants were from diverse backgrounds – artists, dancers, writers, journalists, historians, curators, producers, photographers and more.

Participants expressed their interest in the Buddhist ceremonial burning of the photographs of deceased peoples; finding universality among the photographs in the collection; the ethical and legal aspects of the project;  its processes such as its inclusion in Kyotographie KG+; and about finding clues to reunite the photographs. Many also spoke about their own family photographs.

When called upon to share what ideas they may have had to creatively respond to the photographs, some participants shared with us what they would like to do, but expressed that they cannot, due to current Covid restrictions. So true were these sentiments, felt by the Untiled.Showa team also.

From: Institute for Family Inheritance and Care Issues How do I dispose of photos of people who have died in the estate? Shrine for the burning of photo memorials 実家相続介護問題研究所 遺品整理で亡くなった人の写真の処分は? 写真供養のお焚き上げ神社




故人の写真や遺品の焚き上げや、コレクション内の写真の普遍性、また、プロジェクトの倫理や法的プロセス、KYOTOGRAPHIE KG+への参加のプロセス、写真を返還のために手がかりを探す方法などについて、ディスカッションを行いました。自分の家族の写真について語る人も多かったです。



-Posted by Mayu Kanamori 22 July 2021

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