One Piece: No 0+1, One Piece: 0+2, and One Piece: 0+3 by team 4You are 3 video works created by students of Kwansei Gakuin University @Tsuda Lab 『One Piece: No 0+1』、『One Piece: No 0+2』と『One Piece: No 0+3』は、関西学院大学@津田研究室所属team4Youが制作された、3つの映像作品です。
Kwansei Gakuin Uni Students
Interim Report from Kwansei Gakuin Uni Students 関西学院大学津田ゼミとの皆さんと中間報告 2021.05.22
Thank you to all students from Kwansei Gakuin University, School of Policy Studies’s Mutsumi Tsuda Lab for your interim report on your research for Untitled.Showa. The students made much progress. The students have now: confirmed that photographs 032, 079, and 080 was...
Follow up with Kwansei Gakuin Uni Students 関西学院大学津田ゼミとの皆さんとフォローアップ 2021.05.06
Thank you to all students from Kwansei Gakuin University, School of Policy Studies’s Mutsumi Tsuda Lab for joining in our Untitled.Showa Online Workshop Follow Up Session. Students reported their research to date, and Mayu Kanamori responded to some of the feedback...
Workshop with Kwansei Gakuin Uni Students 関西学院大学津田ゼミとのワークショップ 2021.04.15
Thank you to all students from Kwansei Gakuin University, School of Policy Studies's Mutsumi Tsuda Lab for joining in our Untitled.Showa Online Workshop. 関西学院大学総合政策学部津田睦美研究室の皆さま、Untitled.Showa オンライン・ワークショップに参加頂き、ありがとうございました。 Eighteen students participated, and have...