One Piece: No 0+1, One Piece: 0+2, and One Piece: 0+3 by team 4You are 3 video works created by students of Kwansei Gakuin University @Tsuda Lab 『One Piece: No 0+1』、『One Piece: No 0+2』と『One Piece: No 0+3』は、関西学院大学@津田研究室所属team4Youが制作された、3つの映像作品です。
Stories & Artists
Class Portrait by Adam Aitken アダム・エイトケン 詩 Translated by Tomoko Aoyama『学級写真 』青山友子 訳
Eleven or twelve, assigned to the front end of the first row,
uniform grey shorts and shirts
and gingham for the girls.
Shinshin: Exploring Connections – Response to Untitled Showa by Sophie Constable 心身:つながりを探る ソフィー・コンスタブル作
A suitcase seems an element that links many, particularly in Australia, where 30% of the current population were born overseas and many more travel to visit family or for work. スーツケースは、特に現在の人口の30%が海外で生まれ、多くの人が家族や仕事のために旅を続るオーストラリアでは、多くの要素を繋げるものだといえます。
Same Milestones by Louise Flitcroft Paisley, OAM 同時期の成長段階 ルイーズ・フィットクロフト・ペイズリー OAMオーストラリア勲章 OAM
I like to think that he was growing up at the same time as the young Japanese boy perhaps going through some of the same ‘milestones’ in his life as Peter has here in Sydney. いま、シドニーにいるピーターと同じように、日本の少年も同じ時期に成長の段階を経過したのではないかと思いたいのです。
Otakiage by Jim Mcfarlane お焚き上げ ジム・マクファーレン作
was born to a Japanese mother who was one of the first Japanese war brides to settle in Melbourne post WW2. 母は第二次世界大戦後にメルボルンに移住した最初の日本人戦争花嫁の一人でした。
Can anyone tell me my dad’s ‘home’ by the ‘Chinese calligraphy’?- Jayanto Tan どなたか、中国の書から父の故郷を教えてください – ジャヤント・タン
G’day, Nama saya Jayanto Tan. I am a visual artist from Inner West Sydney, the land of Gadigal and Wangal People. My practice mainly in ‘ceramic food offerings’ that combined with found objects and performance. These are photographs of my...
After The Article in The Sunday Herald Sun by Iwane Shibuya ヘラルドサンに掲載された記事の「その後」 渋谷いはね著者
Andrew Hasegawa recently wrote about Dianne Jackson where he referenced a Sunday Herald Sun Weekend Magazine article entitled “Where Are They Now?” published on 10 December 1983. The article tells a story of love, marriage and separation of an Australian woman from...
Homecoming, Noshiro by Atsuko Sawata 能代への里帰り 澤田敦子
This is a documentation of the return of Untitled.Showa photograph No 301 to the Sato Photographic Studio in Noshiro, Akita Prefecture. Repatriation and this video was facilitated by Atsuko Sawata in Noshiro....
Great project, hope it fails…. 偉大なプロジェクト、失敗を希望
Yes, sure. They should be returned to someone. But I hope they’re not. はい、もちろん。誰かに返されるべき。でも、そうならないことを願ったりしている。
From the West – by Sete Tele『西より』セテ・テレ作
To make the assimilation process quicker my parents forbade us from speaking in Samoan but to only speak in English! 両親は、私たちがサモア語で話すことを禁止し、英語でしか話さないように命じました。
『Together Apart』 by Nicole Marie 『共に離れて』ニコール・マリー作
Perhaps they are the least likely to be reunited with their original family, so we welcomed them into ours. 元の家族と再会する可能性が最も低いと思われるため、私たちの家族に迎え入れることにしました。
昭和とつながる – 大野飛鳥 Connected to Showa – by Aska Yeldham-Ono
I realised that the Showa period was very long, with many events occurring during that time. 昭和は長くて、色々なことがあったと分かりました。
Reflections on Untitled.Showa ー Kevin Bathman Untitled.Showa についての回想ーケビン・バッソマン
In a time of absolute confusion, uncertainty and sadness in a Covid-ravaged world, this project certainly harks back to a time where we yearn for the familiar, taking us down memory lane to a more comforting time. コロナが蔓延する世界で、絶対的な混乱、不確実性、悲しみの感じられる中、このプロジェクトは、私たちに馴染みのある時代を思い起こさせ、優しい慰めへと導いてくれます。
『Same』 by Katy Fitzgerald 『同じ』ケーティー・フィッツジェラルド作
Emotions, love, family, friendship, transcend continent, country and culture, to connect us at a deep human level. We are they – they are us. 感情、愛、家族、友情は、大陸、国、文化を超えて、人間の深いレベルで私たちを結びつけます。私たちは彼らであり、彼らは私たちなのです。
Untitled.Showa collection of photographs will be presented in Geelong, Victoria, where they originated from within Australia! Location: Geelong Library & Heritage Centre (The Dome) 51 Little Malop St, Geelong VIC 3220 Exhibition Dates: 16 July – end Aug The...
once upon a time in KATABIRANOTUJI -by Kyounosuke Natori -名取 響海之助 作
ある意味、とても大きな進展がありました。 In a way, we've made some very significant progress. 今日、太秦の警察署に行き、聞いてみました。 Today I went to the police station in Uzumasa and asked them. やはり昔の住所なので It was an old address, after all....
Raindrops & Memories by Edward Valent レインドロップスとメモリー エドワード・ヴァレント
WATCH VIDEO・ビデオはこちらから: This footage was found in hard rubbish on a leafy Melbourne nature strip. Inside an old briefcase was 21 reels of 8mm footage from various locations around Japan shot during 1961/62 by the Wiadrowski family of...
Cultural Identity of Japanese Immigrants and their descendants in Geelong ジーロングの日本人移民とその子孫の文化的アイデンティティ – by Mika Nishimura
Mika Nishimura , broadcast producer and director of Artika International was born and raised in Kyoto While studying at Deakin University in Geelong in the early 1990s, Mika wrote this essay, Cultural Identity of Japanese Immigrants and their descendants in Geelong....
Aunty Lynette リネット叔母さん – by Andrew Hasegawa
March 30th 2021 After meeting Dianne, I dropped by 21 Little Ryrie St and 60 Ryrie St, where the Hasegawa family lived and did business, only to find a dodgy massage parlour and a carpark. After that I visited my Aunty Lynette who was raised at 21 Little Ryrie St, and...
Dianne in Geelong ジーロングでダイアンと - by Andrew Hasegawa
March 30th 2021 I met with Dianne in Geelong. She is the great granddaughter of George Taro Furuya who ran a laundry on Myer St in Geelong. We spent just over an hour talking, swapping stories, and she very graciously gave me copies of old newspaper cuttings. I gave...
The follow up to the post on Geelong History – ジーロング史の投函の後に – by Andrew Hasegawa
March 27th 2021 As a follow up to the post on Geelong History Facebook page, I posted a photo of George Taro Furuya, Motoshiro Ito and my great grandfather, Setsutaro Hasegawa on a picnic, dated April 1930, somewhere near Geelong. It was also posted on Nikkei...
The Furuya Family フルヤ家 – by Andrew Hasegawa
March 22nd 2021 I posted a post from Untitled.Showa on the Geelong History Facebook page and made mention about the upcoming exhibition in Geelong in July. It attracted quite a lot of attention and a comment from Deidrie Jackson who asked when it would take place....
Yumi Umiumare・Letter to Mayu Kanamori ゆみうみうまれ・金森マユさんへの手紙
One photo can be a slice of memory
The two photos can be a fragment of memories
The 328 photos can be a magnificent cosmology of memories
Geelong Japanese family history ジーロング日系家族の歴史 by Andrew Hasegawa
The mystery of a collection of photos that originate in Japan must have belonged to a Japanese war bride who lived in the city of Geelong… 日本で撮影された写真集の謎は、ビクトリア州西部の豊かな牧草地の玄関口であるジーロング市に住んでいた日本人戦争花嫁のものだったのではないかと考えられる。
The Showa 昭和 by Shigemi Nakamura Simms
遠い異国の地で見つかった写真に、幼い頃の記憶を重ねて描いてみた。By overlapping the photographs found in a distant foreign land, I portrayed my childhood memories.
En & Rin 縁と輪 by Satsuki Odamura
… is there something they need to say?… I feel a mysterious sense of “en” (Japanese for fate / chance connection / relationship). 何か訴えたいことがあるのか、、、不思議な縁を感じる。
Quiet Clues, Quiet Traces 静かな手がかり、静かな痕跡 by Elicia O’Reilly
Perhaps no rightful owner will emerge, but perhaps that won’t mean the end of this story, because there are invisible threads that now tie us, too, to these photographs. 正当な所有者は出てこないかもしれないが、それがこの物語の終わりを意味するものではない。なぜなら、今や私たちとこれらの写真を繋ぐ眼に見えない糸が存在しているからである。
Notes on Photograph #238 写真#238 について by Martin Edmond
This photograph is so rich in detail it is easy to imagine a future for every person in it; and a past for each of them as well. This might or might not be a satisfying exercise; it would be better to know the actual life stories of those we see before us. この写真はあまりにも詳細に描かれており、そこに写っているすべての人の未来と、それぞれの過去を容易に想像することができてしまう。
Finders Keepers 拾い物は貰い物 by Donal Griffin
Treasure exists because someone brings value to it. 誰かが価値をもたらすからこそ、宝は存在する。
City of Dreams 夢の街:Mayu’s Process Blog
What would the outcome be if the processes of asking and answering these questions involved many people? そして、これらの疑問を 自分だけではなく多くの人が一緒に考えるとすると、そのプロセスや結果はどう変化するだろうか。