245 Babies, Boys, Family, Girls, Grandfathers, Grandmothers, LargeGroups, Men, Nara, People, Places, Women, WritingWriting on the bottom reads, “Dreamland Entry Commemoration 38.11. 17” (17th November, 1963) 下に『ドリームランド入園記念38.11.17』と記されています。
253 Family, Grandfathers, Grandmothers, Kimono, LargeGroups, Men, Noshiro, People, Places, Sado Island, Women, Writing
254 Family, Grandfathers, Grandmothers, LargeGroups, Men, Noshiro, People, Places, Sado Island, Women, WritingStamp on the back reads, ”Ichinotani Myosho-ji” (Ichinotani Myosho Temple) 裏に『一ノ谷妙照寺』とスタンプされています。