

巨大な鳥居のもとに集まった200名あまりの女生徒と先生たち。きっと戦前の風景。手がかりは背後の丘 ー ずっと不思議だった写真の背景が、ようやく明らかになりました。

全国の鳥居に造詣の深い写真家、ヒロタケンジ氏がツイッターにて写真を紹介してくださったところ、すぐに橿原 (かしはら)神宮に違いない、との情報が寄せられたそうです。数日後、奈良県橿原神宮の関係者の方の目に留まり、当該神宮の旧第一鳥居であることが確認されました。周囲の木々は約80年前に植えられたこと、現在は背後の畝傍山(うねびやま)もほとんど見えないくらいに木々が成長し、杜 (もり) となっていること、1940年ごろの記念写真と推察される、とのコメントをいただきました。




WEB上で拝見するより、非常に生徒の皆さんお一人お一人の表情がハッキリと確認でき、また先生も右にお一人だけかと思っておりましたが、最後列の女生徒の間にお一人お一人顔を出されておられ、どこか微笑ましいような印象も受けました。       (中略)


橿原神宮  奈良県橿原市久米町934  https://kashiharajingu.or.jp/


July 2022

More than 200 schoolgirls and teachers under a massive torii. A scene possibly from before the war. In the background: a hill. With this clue, finally the mystery of the photo was solved.

Mr Kenji Hirota, a photographer with a profound knowledge of torii all over Japan, introduced the photo in his Twitter account and received an immediate response saying the photo must have been taken in Kashihara Shrine, in Nara. A few days later, an officer from Kashihara Shrine saw Mr Hirota’s post confirming the torii in the photo would have been one of the torii there, which no longer exists.  The officer commented that the trees shown in the photo were planted around 80 years ago as a shrine grove, and have now grown enough to hide the view of Mount Unebi. The commemorative photo was thought to have been taken around 1940.

We asked the shrine if the photo could be returned to them, which was accepted willingly.

We were delighted to find out that the photo was taken under the large, old torii in the ancient land of Japan, even though we may never know who the people assembled for the photograph were, or who the photographer was.  We are grateful that the photo went “home”.

As I think of the original gardeners envisioning the leafy shrine grove 80 years into the future, I wonder if the girls looking into the lens in high spirits could have ever imagined people in Australia seeking out the photo’s home 80 years later.

Below is the message and photos from the shrine:

Thank you so much for sending us this precious photo.

Seeing it in reality, there is more detail in the photo than can be seen on the website, and we can now see every girl’s facial expression very clearly. We initially thought there was only one teacher, on the right side of the image, but now more teachers are showing their faces in between the students, which warms our hearts.  (…)

It is thought that the photo must have been taken around 1940, and therefore the trees still look young.  Now, they have grown into a grove, mainly consisting of oak trees, welcoming visitors to the shrine. 

   Kashihara Shrine     934 Kumecho, Kashihara-shi, Nara-ken  https://kashiharajingu.or.jp/


–  2022年8月、 大野唱子 投函
–  Posted by Shoko Ono, August 2022




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