1. さこたくみこさんからFBにてメッセージを頂きました:

    この当時、団体旅行といえば 「銀行・信用金庫の旅行」「町内会の親睦会」「会社の親睦会」 

    この写真、 成人男性・・・9人、成人女性・・・24人(かなぁ)、乳児~中高生・・・30人(かなぁ)、(明らかにおばあさんと言える女性も何人も)



    「会社の親睦会」 子どもの頃、父が勤めている会社の親睦会は、春と秋にあり、春は観劇(藤山寛美) 秋は、奈良のあやめ池遊園地に数回、ほとんどが大阪のひらかたパークでした。


    この年、私は10歳。私は小3の頃から新聞の不動産情報の新聞1面記事を毎日読むのが日課でした。 この当時、日本は好景気でした。銀行も、会社も好景気でした。私は「日本は今、景気いいなぁ」と小3の頃思っていました。このドリームランドに参加されている方々は幸福な生活されている人達です。赤ちゃんは60歳近くになり、高校生は70代後半。


    We received a comment from Kumiko Sakota on FB:

    In those days, group trips were “bank/credit union trips,” “neighbourhood association get-togethers,” or “company get-togethers. 

    They are wearing a ribbon (probably pink) on their chest, which I also wore on group trips in those days.

    In this photo, there are 9 adult males, 24 or so adult females, 30 or so infants to junior and senior high school students, and a number of women who are clearly grandmothers.

    In those days, banks and credit unions had regulations on the amount of deposit to be able to participate in group trips (such as you needed more than XYZ yen in your bank account).

    When I was a child, there was a social gathering of the neighbourhood association during the cherry blossom season when the new fiscal year started.

    When I was a child, the company my father worked for had social gatherings in the spring and autumn, and in the spring we went to theatre (Hiromi Fujiyama), and in the autumn, we went to the Nara Ayameike Amusement Park several times, but we mostly went to Hirakata Park in Osaka

    At the time of this photo, Dreamland had just opened and was still a novelty. They are wearing a ribbon, so I think it was a (day trip) bus trip.

    There are not enough men for a company social gathering, and not enough men for a neighbourhood association.

    I was 10 years old the year this photo was taken. From the time I was in the third grade, it was my daily routine to read the front page article of the newspaper about real estate information. At that time, the Japanese economy was booming. Banks and companies were also booming. When I was in the third grade, I thought to myself, “Japan is booming right now”.

    I think the people who are participating in this Dreamland tour are people who are living happy lives. The babies in the photo are now almost 60 years old, and the high school students are in their late 70s.

  2. さこたくみこさんからFBにてメッセージを頂きました:
    前列(子供の後ろ)右端の女の方と、 5例目右から二つめに立っている女の方 29 , 30 で2人で一緒に写っていますね。29 , 30も、奈良ドリームランドかなぁ。菊人形が後ろに見えます。

    **マユからのノート: 菊は10月11月に展示されるものなので、この写真と季節が一致します。

    We received a comment from Kumiko Sakota on FB:
    The woman on the far right in the front row (behind the children) and the woman standing second from the right in the fifth row are pictured together in photo numbers 29 and 30. 29 and 30. Wondering if 29 and 30. 29 and 30 may also be Nara Dreamland. We can see chrysanthemum dolls can be seen in the background (in those photos).

    *NOTE from Mayu: Chrysanthemum dolls are dolls made of Chrysanthemum flowers, and are often displayed in October and November throughout Japan. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chrysanthemum_exhibition

  3. 2006年に閉園した奈良ドリームランドに間違いありません。
    集合写真のバックに園内周遊電車の駅が見えます。 電車が停まっていますね。

    • Translation of above comment by tombochan:

      This is definitely Nara Dreamland, which was closed in 2006.
      In the background of the group photo, you can see the station for the park’s excursion train.The train is parked there.

      The woman in right front row is also in photos 005, 7, 8, 9, 11, 15, 16, etc.

  4. We received a comment on our FB page that this may be the Dreamland in Nara



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