To be honest, when I was told that we had to put the photos in chronological order, I wanted to pull out from participating in Untitled Showa. It had been tough enough to just pile the photos up in numerical order and label them with the estimated year of their origin.
However, once we allocated them on the butchers paper we bought for the project, I realised that the Showa period was very long, with many events occurring during that time. It even included WW1 and WW2. I truly realised that it was a long time ago.
I had three great-grandparents whom I met and spent time with: one great-grandmother from Australia (1913-2018) who passed away at the age of 104, and who always loved me and looked after me; one great-grand-mother from Japan (1920-2019), who passed away when she was 99, and whom I used to visit whenever we were in Japan; and one great-grand-father from Japan (1914-2011), who passed away when he was 97, and whom I don’t recall much, but vividly remember visiting in a hospital in Tokyo.
In my great-grandparents’ lifespans, the whole Showa period was contained. All three of them were born in the Taisho period. However, the period name – Taisho – does not sound right for my Australian great-grandmother as her life had nothing to do with the Japanese calendar. She lived at the same time as my two great-grandparents in Japan, but not in the same stream of time at all. It was only much, much later that they were connected because I was born. I plan to live for as long as they did, as I am their great-grandson.
My favourite photos from Untitled.Showa are 083 and 152. The reason is because of the dogs in the photos. The dog in 152 was called Chibi—we know this as it is written on the back of the photo—but no name is found for the dog in 083. It is a strange feeling when I see the dogs, who passed away a long time ago in Japan, in these photos in Sydney. Even though the dogs’ lives did not overlap mine, the fact they are cute remains unchanged. I hope they had a good life.
この写真は、323の封筒の中身の絵はがきです。鎌倉に住むおじいちゃん、おばあちゃんが買って送ってくれました。 This photo shows the contents of an envelope identical to that shown in 323. My grandparents, who live in Kamakura, bought the set and sent it to us.
- シドニーの曽祖母と With Great Grandmother, Sydney
- 日本の曽祖母と With Great Grandmother, Japan
- 日本の曽祖父と With Great Grandfather, Japan
Aska 飛鳥 2008
大野飛鳥 プロフィール
Aska Yeldham-Ono
I was born in Sydney in 2007. From three and a half to six and a half years old, I grew up in Noshiro, in Akita prefecture. I like sports (especially soccer and tennis), books (especially manga), and music (mainly cello and piano). What I really want now is a Siberian Husky. They look like wolves, and their charm is their lovely, fluffy hair and pale-coloured eyes. If global cooling does not happen in Sydney, I plan to move to New Zealand, as I am a quarter Kiwi.
Aska…so interesting and important that you have participated in the Showa program….the decades have certainly brought history and how interesting for you to trace your Great Grandparents and Grand Parents life at the time….So many changes have taken place….particularly pertaining to the Technology Revolution….
Well Done Aska…Aunty Di
Translation of coment by Diana Yeldham: