Planning anything in times of Covid requires adaptability, flexibility and the ability to keep up with changes in multiple perspectives, especially when working across international and state jurisdictions.

Untitled.Showa exhibition at the Geelong Library & Heritage Centre was installed, thanks to David Seymour from OUTLINE Print Design just hours before it was locked down, so that despite its late opening, Geelong audiences enjoyed the exhibition over a 23-day period between 28 July, when restrictions were lifted in regional Victoria and 21 August, when it was locked down again. Now we await further notice by the Victorian State Government as to whether we can de-install our exhibition in locked down Geelong, so we could send them on to our next scheduled exhibition in Adelaide for the OzAsia Festival in October. As de-installing an exhibition doesn’t constitute essential work, we are re-budgeting in case we cannot de-install the artworks, and we need to reprint them for Adelaide.

In the mean time, the Kyoto Prefectural Government has announced a State of Emergency (SOE) until 12 September. Our exhibition in Kyoto in collaboration with the Daieidori Shopping Street as part of KG+, an umbrella event of KYOTOGRAPHIE International Photography Festival is scheduled to begin on 17 September. The Festival has written to participants to advise that after much consideration, they intend to go ahead unless they are ordered under the SOE to cancel events, and that our exhibitions include countermeasures against Covid-19 and to meet government guidelines. The organisers believe that more than ever in this uncertain time, that new inspirations connecting artists, artworks and audiences are crucial and essential to re-think and build our future.

As I write this, I am already thinking that this blog is impossible to easily translate into Japanese without a lengthy explanation for readers in Japan about how lockdowns work (or do not work); and how it may not make sense to Australians without another lengthy explanation of how a SOE works (or does not work); considering the differences in Covid related policies and understandings. Having lived in Australia for more than four decades, whilst returning to Japan and working with Japanese people frequently, I am used to navigating cultural differences between Japanese and Australian peoples, but this is not about cultural differences, but rather about multiple information access. And it works (or does not work) both ways. It is not that the information isn’t available, but it is whether we take the time to find out more about those that live in places and circumstances which are different to own own.

Whilst I scratch my head, wondering how I am going to write this blog, and how I am going to balance our budget, keeping my eye on various news sources, our furiously flexible and amazingly adaptable Untitled.Showa team have kept up with the changes. Colin Smith, our Osaka Bureau Chief has sent us a photo of our water proofed sample print and outdoor-ready easels so that our exhibition can take place outdoors.

Photo by Colin Smith, Untitled.Showa Osaka Bureau Chief ・ Photo within this photo by Unknown Photographer 撮影、Untitled.Showa 大阪支局長コリン・スミス ・写真内、写真、撮影者不明

And yes, all our team members are now fully vaccinated.

Already, some of the new inspirations to be seized to re-think and build our future includes swift flexibility, adaptability, and for us to become more aware and empathetic to others in different places and circumstances.



ジーロング市立図書館&ヘリテージセンターでのUntitled.Showaの展示は、OUTLINE Print Designのディビットさんのおかげで、ロックダウンされる数時間前に搬入されました。そのため、開催が遅れたにもかかわらず、ビクトリア州の規制が解除された7月28日から、再びロックダウンされた8月21日までの23日間、ジーロング在住の皆様のために展示することができました。現在、ロックダウンされたジーロングでの展示品を搬出し、10月にアデレードで開催されるオズ・アジア・フェスティバルの一環として、次の展示会場に作品を送ることができるかどうか、ビクトリア州政府からのさらなる告知を待ってるところです。展覧会の搬出は必須作業でないため、作品の撤去ができず、アデレード用に再印刷が必要になった場合に備えて、予算を組み直しています。






-Posted by Mayu Kanamori 5 September 2021


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