Andrew Hasegawa recently wrote about Dianne Jackson where he referenced a Sunday Herald Sun Weekend Magazine article entitled “Where Are They Now?” published on 10 December 1983. The article tells a story of love, marriage and separation of an Australian woman from Geelong, Ada May Furuya, and Japanese man, Haruhiko Shibuya from Kobe, in Japan. Haruhiko Shibuya was my father.
Ada May was the eldest stepdaughter of George Taro Furuya who was the son of an American seaman and Japanese woman. He was adopted and brought up by the Furuyas in Japan and later still quite young was employed by the Mitsui Company as a shipping clerk. He left Japan at the age of 17 and eventually made his way to the USA where he worked for some years. He arrived in Australia in 1901 and married Ada May’s mother and settled down in Geelong. He ran a laundry shop as well as a ship supply business. Haruhiko arrived in Geelong as the Second Officer of the merchant ship, Taishou Maru, during the First World War. Haruhiko and Ada May fell in love with each other.
Ada May and Haruhiko, who by the war’s end was a sea captain, married in Kobe in 1919. They had a daughter in 1920 and a son two years later.
Ada May came back to Geelong with her two-year old daughter and baby son. According to Ada May’s daughter Hannah Matuschik (my half-sister), Ada May’s ill health was partly her reason for returning to Australia. While Haruhiko was absent from home on a two-year merchant ship voyage, Ada May developed asthmatic symptoms which she suffered from for the rest of her life. Haruhiko failed to join his wife and children in Australia and went to Europe instead. Later, Ada May moved to Sydney with her two children. She made a family with Sakuhei Suzuki, with whom she had three children.
Much later Haruhiko also remarried in Japan to my mother. The article of Herald Sun reports on my Australian Connection and my half-sister and half-brother I had not met. After my mother’s death six year earlier, I became more interested in my connection with Australia. However, I was reluctant to reveal my father’s story to a stranger. Then, I met the Tokyo corespondent for the Melbourne-based Herald and Weekly Times, Ian MacArthur, through my relatives at a new year family gathering in 1983. I still recall Ian’s surprise when I told him of my father’s story and his connection with Australia. Family connections between Australia and Japan were comparatively rare at that time.
One year after the publication of the article in December 1984, I met my half-sister and half-brother, Hannah Matuschik and Joseph (Joe) Stacy, for the first time. Hannah, Joe and Hannah’s son Peter welcomed me at the International Airport in Adelaide. Peter kindly offered me accommodation and from then on, I stayed with Peter and his wife, Jennie, during my occasional visits to Adelaide.
Hannah told me that one of the twin granddaughters of George Taro Furuya rang her and told her about the Herald Sun article. The news was very much a surprise to Hannah and Joe because they believed their biological father had died young. Hannah said in astonishment to me: “Not dead. He even remarried, then left a daughter!” I spent some dream-like days with Hannah and Joe during Christmas and the New Year season of 1984.
I learned a year later that my arrival in Australia was disturbing for Ada May’s son and grandson on the Suzuki’s side. I suppose it is quite common that there are some tensions among family members regarding the origins of the family, especially in a family consisting of two marriages like the family of Ada May and Suzuki. Within family history, the name of Haruhiko Shibuya may have brought quite different images and meanings. While Hannah and Joe could idealise the sea captain Haruhiko Shibuya who was thought to have died young, for Suzuki and his grown-up sons, Haruhiko and his family were cruel people who sent Ada May back to Australia with two young children (a toddler and a six-month old baby). My arrival may have changed the family, bringing forth Haruhiko as a real person who survived for decades after their separation. It could surface tensions that had gone unmentioned for some time.
Needless to say, Australian citizens with Japanese backgrounds had a difficult time during the second world war and subsequent decades of the post war period. George Taro Furuya, Suzuki Sakuhei, Hannah and Joe, having been born in Japan, were all interned as enemy aliens during the war. Furthermore, wartime propaganda along with Japanese treatment of Australian prisoners of war saw widespread hatred towards the Japanese well into the postwar period in Australia. In order to cope with such denial of Japan and Japanese identity, descendants of the Furuyas and Suzukis changed their family names. Although it is said that changing surnames in Australia is a much more acceptable social practice compared with countries like Japan, there must be a degree of pain and anxiety in reaching that decision.
Hannah passed away in 2004. At the very end of her life I spent a whole day beside her in the hospital. We had a chat about her mother, Ada May. I am thankful to Peter for arranging this. My then partner Gary and I attended Hannah’s funeral.
The following year, I suddenly received an email from Jodie Williams who is a fifth-generation descendant of George Taro Furuya. She got my name from the Sunday Herald piece kept by Jodie’s great-great grandaunt June. She found me living in Australia and wrote that this was an utter surprise for her. We communicated and I learnt of her fascination with horses since she was four years old. When she left school, she joined the Defence Force where she and her peers became the first female personnel who reached the rank of corporal. She has since left the Army, and started a firm with her husband located quite far away from her origins in Geelong.
Jodie wanted to make a family tree for her newborn son. I suggested writing to Joe who was very alert in recalling the past and her contact with Joe made him very happy. He rang me about photos sent by her.
Joe Stacy passed away in 2015. At his funeral, I met Cherie Montgomery who was one of Joe’s nieces from Ada May’s second marriage. I met a descendant of Suzuki Sakuhei for the first time.
The small piece in the Herald Sun published over 35 years ago was still having its effect until very recently. Deb Freer, the great granddaughter of George Taro Furuya, and her step sister Donna Holmes, were trying to piece together materials left by George Taro Furuya and reconstruct his life story. Donna emailed me in 2019. It sounds like a fascinating project. Moreover, Deb’s son and daughter have a keen interest in the culture of Japan and Korea. Deb’s daughter graduated from Queensland University with Korean Studies. One of Deb’s grandchildren was called “Ryoko” which is, I think, a Japanese name. (My eldest cousin had the same name.). Those from the younger generation will tell fertile stories of cross-cultural connection sometime soon.
The former journalist, Ian MacArthur, who wrote the article for the Herald Sun is currently working on a book project about the well-known First Nation historical figure, Bennelong, who Governor Phillip took to London where he lived for a short while (1793-94).
I like to think of how this newspaper article was kept and passed on to the younger generation of the family and the role it played in connecting me and descendants of Furuya.
Finally, I should mention what happened to my father, Haruhiko Shibuya. He returned to the sea as the sea captain when the Second World War broke out. He survived the war until July 1945. At the end of the war, he was in a port in North Korea. He sent his crew home but then failed to return home himself. Our family register recorded him as killed in action in Chingjin in North Korea in 1945, which was approved by the Governor of City Tokyo in 1953.
My mother was one of number of families of unreturned soldiers, who accepted their death in order to apply for bereaved family pension benefit enacted in 1953. Shortly before her own death, she once mentioned her husband, Haruhiko. “I could not get to know at last how he died.”
(Thanks to Gary Pearce for proof reading assistance with this paper.)
アンドリュー・ハセガワ氏が先日、ダイアン・ジャクソン氏について書いた文章の中で、「Where Are They Now?(彼らは今どこに?)」という日曜紙ヘラルドサンの記事を紹介した。この記事は1983年12月10日付の同紙でライフスタイル情報の別冊ウィークエンド・マガジンに掲載されたものだ。この記事では、ジーロング出身のオーストラリア人女性エイダ・メイ・フルヤ(Ada May Furuya)と、神戸出身の日本人男性、渋谷治彦の間での愛と結婚、そして別れが描かれている。―― 渋谷治彦は私の父だ。
エイダ・メイは、ジョージ・タロウ・フルヤの最年長の義理の娘だった。ジョージ・タロウ・フルヤは米国人船員と日本人女性の間に生まれ、古谷家の養子として日本で育ち、若くして三井物産に積荷事務員として雇われた。17歳で日本を離れ、最終的に米国に渡り数年働いた。1901年にオーストラリアに到着したジョージ・タロウ・フルヤは、エイダ・メイの母親と結婚し、ジーロングに定住した。彼は洗濯屋と船用品店を営んだ。そして第一次世界大戦中、商船「大正丸」の二等航海士として渋谷治彦(シブヤ ハルヒコ)がジーロングにやってきた。治彦(ハルヒコ)とエイダ・メイはそこで互いに恋に落ちた。
自明のことだが、日本にルーツを持つオーストラリア人は第二次世界大戦中、そして戦後数十年間にわたり、苦しい時期を過ごした。日本で生まれたジョージ太郎、鈴木作平、ハンナ、ジョーの4人は戦時中、敵性外国人(enemy aliens)として(収容所に)抑留された。さらに、戦時中のプロパガンダや日本軍によるオーストラリア人捕虜の扱いにより、オーストラリアでは日本人に対する強い嫌悪が広がり、戦後長く残っていた。日本や日本人のアイデンティティへのこのような(社会からの)拒絶に対処していくため、古谷家と鈴木家の子孫たちは姓を変えた。オーストラリアでの改姓は、日本のような国と比べて社会的に受け入れられている行為とされてはいるが、その決断に至るには苦悩と不安があったに違いない。
その翌年に、ジョージ・タロウ・フルヤの5代目の子孫であるジョディ・ウィリアムズから突然メールが届いた。ジョディは、彼女の高祖大伯母(great-great grandaunt)であるジューンが保管していたサンデー・ヘラルドの記事で私の名前を知ったという。ジョディは私がオーストラリアに住んでいることを知り、それは彼女にとって全くの驚きだったと言う。私たちは連絡を取り合い、ジョディが4歳の頃から馬に魅了されていたことを知った。彼女はオーストラリアで学校を離れることが許される年齢に達するや否や学校を離れ、オーストラリア国防軍に入隊した。彼女は彼女の同輩とともに女性として初めて伍長に昇進した。ジョディはその後軍隊を離れ、生まれ故郷のジーロングから遠く離れた場所で、夫と農園を始めた。
ジョディは、生まれたばかりの息子のために家系図を作りたいと考えていた。私は、昔のことを鮮明に覚えている(私の異母兄で彼女の高祖大伯父、great great grand-uncle)ジョーに手紙を書くことを彼女に提案した。ジョーはジョディから連絡があったことをとても喜んで、彼女から送られてきた写真について私に電話をしてきた。
35年以上前にヘラルドサンに掲載された小さな記事は、つい最近にもその影響力を発揮している。ジョージ・タロウ・フルヤの曾孫娘デビー・フリーアと、彼女の義理の姉ドナ・ホームズは、ジョージ・タロウ・フルヤが残した資料をつなぎ合わせ、彼の人生の物語を再構築しようとしている。ドナがこの事で私にメールをくれたのは2019年。素晴らしいプロジェクトだと思う。さらにデビーの息子と娘は、日本と韓国の文化に興味を持っているという。デビーの娘はクイーンズランド大学で韓国学を専攻し卒業した。デビーの孫の一人は「リョウコ」と呼ばれており、これは日本の名前だと思う(私の最年長のいとこも同じ名前だった)。 若い世代の人たちは近いうちに、異文化間のつながりという豊かな物語を語ってくれるだろう。
ーPosted by Iwane Shibuya October 2021
ー 2021年、10月、 渋谷いはね投函
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