23 March 2021
An old friend got in touch today. Haroon used to manage Vision Graphics in Redfern, a place I used to visit three or four times a week to drop off or pick up film. He now manages Vision Image Lab and will be printing from the Untitled.Showa collection. Haroon also printed Yasukichi Murakami’s photographs for the exhibition at the Riverside Theatres. He was incredible in restoring Murakami’s old photographs, making them brilliant, and back to life.
Left to right: Chie Muraoka, Mayu Kanamori, Sandy Edwards, John Piccirillo and Haroon Shariff outside Vision Image Lab. 左から右:村岡稚恵、金森マユ、サンディー・エドワーズ、ジョン・ピチリロ、ハルーン・シャリーフ、ヴィジョンイメージラボ前にて。
Sandy Edwards and Chie Muraoka at Vision Image Lab. サンディー・エドワーズと村岡稚恵、ヴィジョンイメージラボ前にて
24 March 2021
Sandy showed me test prints for the Untitled.Showa exhibition at her place, and we spent time looking through the collection together. I am grateful I am working with Sandy again, who now helps many photographers through her service, Arthere. We worked together on Island of Ancients. Sandy brings me and many others so much joy.
25 March 2021
Yumi from SBS Japanese language radio talked with Chie and I this morning about Untitled.Showa. I think when I was younger, I was much better with talking on radio than I am now. I bought an e-how-to-book about giving 1-minute presentations from Amazon Japan.
26 March 2021
Jim McFarlane who I have known for through activities with Nikkei Australia introduced our project to his former teacher and friend James McArdle. He wrote about Untitled.Showa in his wonderful blog On This Date in Photography.
Jim is a photographer in Melbourne, and also a son of a Japanese mother, who married Jim’s father was working in Japan as part of the British Commonwealth Occupation Forces. I met Jim and his sister Coral some years ago, when they visited me in Sydney and showed me old family photographs, taken both in Japan and in Australia.
27 March 2021
Shoko, who lives in Sydney, has been sending me wonderful emails, and commenting in both English and Japanese on photographs in the Untitled.Showa website. Amongst the many she has commented, she has a personal connection with photographs which pertain to Noshiro in Akita Prefecture. Shoko and her family lived in Noshiro some years ago.
28 March 2021
Andrew and Mika are looking into the old families from Geelong to find out if there is a connection between one of the Japanese men who operated laundries there and the Untitled.Showa photographs. Andrew is the great grandson of Setsutaro Hasegawa from Hokkaido, who came to Australia in 1897, and operated a laundry in Geelong. Mika’s thesis at Deakin University was about the Hasegawa and other Japanese families in Geelong.
31 May 2021
Chie, Sandy and I chose and prepared the images to be printed for the Untitled.Showa Sydney exhibition. They are now in Haroon’s expert hands.
1 April 2021
Visited Satsuki Odamura to re-record En and Rin for a video I am making with Untitled.Showa collection of images for the exhibition
2 April 2021
Sandy, Chie and I met up at Level Up @Central Park, which is where we are exhibiting some of the Untitled.Showa photographs to raise awareness of the project later this month.
Left to right: Chie Muraoka, Sandy Edwards, Mayu Kanamori. Photo by Hideaki Kobayashi. 左から右:村岡稚恵、サンディー・エドワーズ、金森マユ。撮影、小林衡明
サンディーの家に「Untitled.Showa」展のためのテストプリントを見に行き、一緒に全写真を丁寧に再度見直した。サンディーはArthereという会社を立ち上げ、多くの写真家を支援している。サンディーと一緒に仕事ができることに感謝。前回は『Island of Ancients』でご一緒させて貰ったことがある。サンディーは私や他の多くの人に喜びを与えてくれる人。
日系オーストラリアの活動を通じて知り合ったジム ・マクファーレーンさんが、恩師であり、友人でもあるジェームス・マカードルさんに私たちのプロジェクトを紹介してくれた。ジェームスは彼のブログ「On This Date in Photography」で「Untitled.Showa」について書いてくれた。
サンディーと稚恵さんと、今月末に「Untitled.Showa」の写真を展示するLevel Up @Central Parkに集まった。
Posted by Mayu Kanamori on April 2021
2021年4月 金森マユ投函
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