Journalists from The Special Report section of the Akita Sakigake Shimpo, a regional newspaper from Akita, has found a grandson of one of the people in photograph no 254.
According to this report, he is 90 years old, and lives in Akita city. His grandmother is second left from the flag. The flag identifies the people in the photograph to be worshippers from the Honchoji Temple in Noshiro (in Akita Prefecture), on pilgrimage on Sado Island.
記事によると、お孫さんは90歳で、秋田市に住んでおられるそうです。 旗から左2番目がおばあさまだそうです。旗からは、秋田県能代市の本長寺の参拝団であることがわかります。
The postcard from Noshiro to Kyoto was also from his grandmother, and addressed to his aunt, who worked at Daiei Film studios in Kyoto.
The article is here:
ーPosted by Mayu Kanamori 1 June 2021
How cool! Great work!
Sophie Constableさんからのメッセージの翻訳:凄い! 素晴らしいお仕事ですね!