This is a New Year’s greeting postcard from Ono Hairdressers to CHO, Kazuko (can also be read as Kotoko, Sumiko, Toshiko or Hisako). Many characters for the recipient address are unknown, however the words, “Kyoto” and “Daiei Worker’s Residence” can be read. The sender’s address is “108 Rokuro(?)-cho, Yamatooji Higashi, Matsubara Street, Higashiyama Ward, Kyoto City.” *NOTE: Other than the surname CHO, this surname could also be read as: NAGA, OSA and TSUKASA

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4 May 2020


  1. According to an article published on 31 May 2021 in the The Special Report section of the Sakigake Shimpo, a regional newspaper from Akita:
    Itsu Hasegawa, who wrote this postcard was the mother of Haru Cho, who worked in the accounts department of Kyoto Daiei Film Studios. The Sakigake Shimpo has found a 90 year old grandson of Its Hasegawa.
    See photo 254 for more info.

    The article is on (Japanese only, and behind a paywall) :




  2. Morihiroさんからメールにてコメントいただきました:


    Translation of a comment sent in by email from Morihiro:

    One of my colleague has suggested me that the the list of workers at Daiei Kyoto Studio is uploaded in the webpage of Daiei Kyoto Studio Project of the Ritsumeikan University’s Art Research Center, in which the name of Osa Hisako? 長寿子 can be found in the accountants’ department.

  3. 送り主の住所を、1927年刊、1950〜51年の書き込みのある京都市明細図で調べたところ、職業は残念ながら「茶」と書かれていました。1952年以降に美容室に変わったのかもしれません。
    I checked the address of the sender of the postcard at the map, Large Scale Maps of Kyoto City (published in 1927, with handwritten text in 1950-51), but the text for the shop can only be read as a tea seller. The shop might have been changed from a tea seller to a beauty salon after 1952.

    Screenshot of the Map

  4. 友人からの情報ですが、立命館大学アートリサーチセンターの大映京撮プロジェクトのウェブページに1951/53年の大映撮影所の名簿が載っていて、その経理部に「長寿子」さんの名前があります。
    One of my colleague has suggested me that the the list of workers at Daiei Kyoto Studio is uploaded in the webpage of Daiei Kyoto Studio Project of the Ritsumeikan University’s Art Research Center, in which the name of Osa Hisako? 長寿子 can be found in the accountants’ department .

  5. 切手は、昭和27年(1952年)7月10日に発売になった「石山寺多宝塔」です。The stamps of the two-storied pagoda were for sale from July 1952.


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